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* What difference in AOD (Always On Display or Ambient mode) Gear S2 and new S3 ?

Let me know about difference in AOD (AlwaysOnDisplay or Ambient mode) 

for Gear S2 vs new Gear S3 ?

timetick every second?

because i see in presentation second arm o it in AOD ?

 maybe have new docs and API ref etc ...   ??? 

 because S3 now is not in sale here and in other country and emulator do not good realize AOD for try!




21 댓글
Denis Miroshnikov

I'm found only this

"Since Tizen 2.3.2, some devices introduce a high color mode for the ambient mode. In the high color mode, you can use more colors (usually, 24-bit color) for drawing the ambient mode UI."

here:   https://developer.tizen.org/development/guides/native-application/application-management/applications/watch-application


SAMSUNG !??????????????



Shaswati Saha


So far I know, there's no technical difference between AOD and Ambient mode. Both of them are used to show limited information on the screen for reducing power consumption. According to my experience, the difference is only in terms, i.e. the term AOD is used in designing watch faces using Gear Watch Designer and the term ambient mode is used in making watch applications using Tizen SDK. But the purpose is same for both. 

Your findings are correct and appreciable indeed!


Denis Miroshnikov

I mean , how i can write code for S3 for use Hi color AOD mode in JS web app ?  etc

Shaswati Saha

In that case, at first use the code below :

/* Check whether high color mode is supported or not*/
var isHighColorMode = tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/screen.always_on.high_color");

If your device supports high color mode, then you can use 24-bit color for drawing the ambient mode UI. I would like to suggest you to use the code snippet in the link below and design the watchface you want to show in ambient mode (using 24-bit color if you want) in the updateAmbientWatch method.


To know more about ambient events, you can go through the Ambient Events section in the link below:


Denis Miroshnikov

Thank You, bun one question still not resolved:

   about timeTick ? 

      as showed in presentation videos about S3  AMB mode refresh each 1 sec!    it's fake?  or realy in S3 amb timeTick 1 sec?


Shaswati Saha

Which presentation video you're talking about? Would you please share the link of that video here?

Denis Miroshnikov

look here at the seconds arm  here at  20:14+  :



and also website officia here:

"design- AOD .. "  look and  mouseUp() on gears dispays etc


Shaswati Saha

I've checked in Gear S3 and the timetick refreshes once every minute which is already mentioned in the link (https://developer.tizen.org/development/getting-started/web-application/understanding-tizen-programming/event-handling) given in post above. 


Denis Miroshnikov

Yes , already read it.

Anyone have real Gear S3 now? 

 help me please with test AOD mode with beta test of my app in galaxy store

because EMULATOR crash with errors 



Denis Miroshnikov

This video conform S3  AOD tick second by second -

 https://youtu.be/lWjYCx-OcNg?t=546      look carefuly at the second arm when s3 go to AOD ! at 9:06  and later one more .... 



Aussi Guy

Possibly, this ticking second by second is a Tizen wearable featrure coming with Gear S3 which is running on Tizen 2.3.2 (released last month).

As this is a new feature and Gear S3 is not out yet (in  most countries), so my guess is, the documentation is not updated yet.

It seems the documentation currently available are based on Tizen 2.3.1.

We may have to wait a little more to get the documentation that reflects the latest features.


Denis Miroshnikov

Maybe later, but 4ex. I need to update my APPs for S2 to compatibile with S3 , but w/o docs and real device is not possible...  in that position of the sumsung  i'm can't undestud  (


Vladyslav Prysiazhnyi

Hello Denis,

I have faced with the same problem and realized that your app should use http://tizen.org/privilege/alarm.set previlege to be able use ambient_tick

Vladyslav Prysiazhnyi

sorry, wrong post

Denis Miroshnikov

Yes, I'm resolve it. but difference also is here in realize 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 JS HTML5 interpreter ...


 but after last update S2 i think  work is same  way

Gavin G

Any updates as to the ability  to get Tizen 2.3.2 tick updates in second intervals vs. minute intervals?

Denis Miroshnikov

I'm tottaly change code and for now it's work for me.

 but U need detect Hicolor mode or LowColor for AMB

and now i'm have only one bug in my 3D app(realtime 3D rendered watchface).

Ii have 1 FPS(1 frame per second framerate) for normal operate and transition to AMB and if first  timetick  begin soon we can see(in low color AMB) burred image of HiColor normal watchface , and i'm cant predict this 1 time tic for prepair to AMB  in JS ...


teuton knight

I have gear s3 frontier, and yes the second hand is ticking every second

I will share the video if anyone interest

Denis Miroshnikov

let me see that

teuton knight

I made youtube video here youtu.be/zbDfFVV-5wo



Denis Miroshnikov

WOW ! , please look firmware version please ...