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wgt package source code encryption

Hi Community

When I build the source, it generates wgt package for Web Application. This package is used for distribution and installed on the device. But the wgt file is zip format. Everyone can see the source when unzip it. Is there a way to encrypt the source code so that only developer can access the source code?


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


8 댓글
Marco Buettner
You can enable encryption directly in the config.xml file of your application. Also the Tizen Store supports DRM and encrypt your file. Application To enable encryption open edit your config.xml and open the register "Tizen". Now you find under "setting" the option "encryption". Tizen Store Later on the Tizen Store you check "DRM"
Ivan Petrov

What DRM protection TizenStore provides? 
Can somebody read code (and discover my algorithms) of my application, if he downloads it from TizenStore?

Marco Buettner

If you enable DRM your package will encrypt by TizenStore... The user downloads your encrypted version from the TizenStore. On bada the files (css, js, html) was adding a suffix (.dcf)

Alexander AVSukhov


About protection of wgt file is not wrt role. wgt file will be protected by DRM. 
To see decrypted source by debugger can be possible only By IDE. And IDE only can access own web app. So developer can't access other's web app by IDE.

Also, the encryption is performed when the application is "installed", but not when it is packaged. The purpose of this encryption is to prevent the apps getting copied illegally from one device to another.

The package will be protected with other methods, such as DRM, when Tizen Store officially opens.

All the resources of the web application stored by the device are encrypted. 
When the web application is launched, the WRT decrypts all of its resources 
Each web application has its own private storage space that is not accessible to any other apps. 

Jihoon Chung
Hi, There is option to enable encryption. tizen:setting encryption Optional; Web application resources (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files) encryption (available values: enable, disable (default)) Please define in the config.xml and install it.
Marco Buettner
This option is describe by me. But it only encrypt the code after installation on the device. The wgt package will not encrypt.
GyeongRok Yoo

Current version is Tizen 1.5

I wrote option Enable encryption in config.xml.

but unzip wgt file is not encrypted.



Marco Buettner

The encyption starts during the installation via TizenStore and not the wgt directly.