언어 설정

Web app debug on device

Hi all,
I am trying to debug web app on device 2.2.0 official.
But Web Inspector shows 'white screen' only with title
Web Inspector - file://index.html only.
p.s. on emulator I was able to debug web app.
Where could be problem?
Thank you in advance.


2 댓글
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva

While deploying the app in debug mode, did you see the setting the debug port was successful or not ?

Please share the "Tizen Web Console" logs (Under console there are two logging windows types, one is Javascript log console and the second one is Tizen Web Console), to see what exactly is happening in your case. 

PS: Assuming chrome is installed on your machine, as the web inspector is based of chrome.

Alex Dem

Thank you for response.
Sometimes I am able to debug, but usually not (white screen is in web inspector).
Setting the debug port, opening the web inspector e.t.c. All logs are always successful. And logs for both cases are identical. I have been informed that the possible cause is in Samsung MTP driver.