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[TV] Web sdk to set screen brightness
I am doing a starter app and want to change the brightness of my tv depending on time and day. I want to save my eyes. I found other devices have `power.setScreenBrightness` or `.setPropertyValue`. On TV I only found `systeminfo.getPropertyValue` which are all read only, kinda expected. How do you change a setting on the tv using the web sdk? EDIT: from http://developer.samsung.com/forum/board/thread/view.do?boardName=SDK&messageId=322735 this is not implemented yet.
Edited by: Pascal Martin on 27 9월, 2017


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

I've looked up in the Tizen TV Web APIs.


The answer is NO.


As far as I've seen, There is no such Web API in Tizen TV to set Brightness level yet.