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Tizen Studio Debug As Tizen Web Application Blank Page with Chrome 80

The following errors are displayed in the console for the debugger page:


Uncaught TypeError: document.registerElement is not a function
at Object.UI.registerCustomElement (shell.js:3115)
at shell.js:3127
at shell.js:3129 devtools_app.js:9
Uncaught ReferenceError: SDK is not defined at devtools_app.js:9 inspector.js:2
Uncaught ReferenceError: SDK is not defined at inspector.js:2


Testing on Mac OS 10.14.6, Tizen Studio 3.6 and Chrome 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit). 


It seems that this error is related to a deprecated API with Chrome.
Is this a known issue, and is there an expected fix schedule?




3 댓글

 Facing same problem. 
Window 7, Google Crome  80.0.3987.100


mohd iskandar samsuddin

Same,.. i also facing same problem

Uncaught TypeError: document.registerElement is not a function
    at registerCustomElement (inspector.js:3026)
    at inspector.js:3036
    at inspector.js:3039

Philippe Elsass

Chrome 80 has deprecated WebComponents v0 which is used by these devtools.

Solution is to launch Chrome with extra parameters re-enabling the feature (while it's still in the engine):


Or to use a Chromium build corresponding to Chrome 79.x, e.g.

See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60182668/chrom-devtools-insepctor-showing-blank-white-screen-while-debugging-with-samsung