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Samsung Gear S2 notifications


I would like to show a simple notification with Samsung Gear S2.

After researching about showing notifications on Samsung Gear S2, with https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/latest/org.tizen.web.apireference/html/device_api/wearable/tizen/notification.html:

-With Notification API, I don't know how to show permanent notifications. Notification is removed automatically.

-The examples of the documentation of the Notification API don't work because the path of the images is wrong.

-Samsung doesn't provide any serious example about this.

-Vibration only works when screen is on.

-I don't know to customize width, height, background color and css styles for the notification.

-I don't know if Rich Notification and send a notification from androd is a serious alternative or is another wasting time alternative.

Is there a serious alternative to perform this? The use case is simple. You have a smartwatch and you want to be notified about a simple event.

The best alternative is play with layers visibility?

Sorry, but Notifation API is disappointing... 


4 댓글
Nafisul Islam Kiron

Hello, please take a look at the following links:


Do not forget to add

<tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/notification"/>
Joaquim Puyo Garrido

Thank you, but in this link, it does not explain how can i customize a notification. 

I'm looking for a complete working example with styled notification, using the notification API from Tizen.

If this link is all the documentation about notifications, Samsung has a serious problem.

Anyways, thank you for your help.

Nafisul Islam Kiron

As far as I know Tizen deoesn't allow devs to override the native design.

The workaround is to make custom notification system. For web app you can use jQuery mobile popup


You can customize it as per your need.

Joaquim Puyo Garrido

Ok, thank you.Another workaround is play with invisible/visible layers, but I was looking for a Tizen alternative.