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Implementing OAuth for Mobile App


I want to implement OAuth for native mobie app using Tizen.

When we use OAuth, at the end when user is authorized by external server and have granted permission, user is redirected to application via callback URL provided at the time of app registeration to external server. Now in case of native mobile app, their is no static callback url, so I am not sure how in  Tizen, I can get the access_toke/auth_taoken from the callback URL.


Prashant Thakkar

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


23 댓글
Raghu Kona
Hi Prashant, This post has been forwarded to the respective team.
vijay saharan
Hi Prashant, If you want to implement oAuth1.0 (Twitter and LinkedIn uses oAuth1.0) then is possible. You can find details on this page https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/social-network-services-tizen Facebook uses oAuth2.0 and its implementation doesnt look possible on Tizen. I am also looking for some solution of implementing oAuth2.0 on Tizen. Basically in facebook oAuth process once user gives permission to app facebook redirects the browser to a users predefined url. If somehow on Tizen we can track the current url of the browser then we can perform oAuth for facebook. For android and ios there is a plugin called child browser using that we can perform facebook oAuth.
Aries Brune Tyson Antony Raj
Hi Vijay, I'm trying to implement oAuth 2.0 for accessing Youtube. But i couldn't able to achieve the destined result. Is there any way to work with oAuth 2.0 in Tizen for youtube? From the previous comment, we infer it is not possible for facebook. Could you please clarify whether it is possible for youtube.
Aries Brune Tyson Antony Raj
Hi, Follow the instructions in https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2ForDevices.. I'm able to implement oAuth2.0.
Govindaraj Kathirvel

Can some one share code samples if you were able to make it work on the device.

Issues currentlly facing.


Some OAuth sites do not support file:///opt as redirect uri

Iframe is lauching new browser window and could not redirect back to app


Lakshmi Grandhi

Hi Govind,

For Tizen Mobile try https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2ForDevices, inside of web application since you cannot specify the redirect url since mobile app is not a hosted application.

Aries Brune Tyson Antony Raj

Hi Govind,

   The method mentioned for device, requires the user to login into their account with the device code and authenticate the app. The easiest way i would say to use is, going with opening another child window using window.open() and monitor the url untill you get the access token. As you can see, once the user provide access to the app you will be redirected to an confirmation page of google. Evaluate the page and retrieve your access token from the url.

Steps to implementation

  • Get the device code in the device by making call to the service.
  • Open the authentication url in child window using window.open()
  • Place the device code in its text box once the user login to their account (URL monitoring required)
  • User will be displayed with allow access page (allow or deny)
  • Monitor the url to get the access code (Check the page for confirmation message or indicator)

Difficulties in implementation

  • User have access to navigate to other pages in the process(child window) as you are opening google page which is not in your control

The pages are maintained in stack. so the app page will be retained when the child window is open. When the child window is closed the page from app will be resumed.


Govindaraj Kathirvel

Hii Aries,

I was trying the same using IFrame and it lauched external window and handle lost but didn't try with window.open. I will try this and let you know if I can handle the window inside time. If you have some sample code please share here and it will be useful for many people.



talari praveen kumar

Hi Govind

Try this code(facebook)


Login Page:

<div data-role="page" id="Loginpage">

  <div id="content_id" >
        <input type="button" id="btn_id1" value="Login" onclick="Login();">

menu page:

<div data-role="page" id="menupage">


//This will give secure code

        type : "GET",
        //data : strQuery,
        //dataType : 'json',
        url :'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/device?type=device_code&client_id='yourclientid'',
        success : function(data) {
            console.log("inside success");
            try {
                var usercode='<font color="white"><p>Please note down the code <b>'+ data.user_code+'<b> and enter it in the text box after entering login credentials</p></font>' ;
            } catch (e) {
                console.log("inside exception");
                //callbacks.error("Unable to authenticate!");
        error : function() {
            //callbacks.error("Unable to authenticate!");

//Login function

function Login(){
    console.log("inside login");
    var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view", "https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/device", null, null);
    function() {
    console.log("launch application control succeed"); 
    document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", handleVisibilityChange, false); //webkit visibility
    function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); },
    null );
function handleVisibilityChange(){
    console.log("visibility change");
        type : "GET",
        dataType : 'json',
        url :'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/device?type=device_token&client_id=yourclientid&code='+code,
        success : function(data) {
                    console.log("inside login success");
                    try {
                        console.log("accesstoken is" +accesstoken);
                         catch (e) {
        error : function() {
                    console.log("acess token error")

Govindaraj Kathirvel


Thanks for the code samples . But the OAuth from eventbrite http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/authentication/oauth2/ has no support for device code and the only way I can do with Tizen is to launch the external app (browser) and monitor the URL if its redirected to redirect uri. then kill the browser and use the token. But it always opens up the external window  and after that it detaches from main app window.



Govindaraj Kathirvel

Note: When I tried with Modal Dialog using IFrame, Window.open, and external page everything working fine. After deployd to Tizen Developer device it doen't work.

talari praveen kumar


Will you please share the code for url monitoring

Govindaraj Kathirvel

This is using window.Open , same logic can be followed for Iframe too.

 authenticate: function (e) {
        window.authCount = 0;
        window.authWin = window.open(oauthurl, "blank", "", true);

 watchOAuth: function () {
        window.int = self.setInterval(function () {
            window.authCount = window.authCount + 1;
            if (window.authWin && window.authWin.location) {
                var currentURL = window.authWin.location.href;
                var inCallback = currentURL.indexOf("token_type");
                if (inCallback >= 0) {
                    var authData = currentURL.substr(currentURL.indexOf("#"));
                    alert('Authenticated' + authData);
                   // process here                      
            if (window.authCount > 60) {
                alert('30 seconds time out');
        window.authCount  =0;
        }, 500);

Lakshmi Grandhi

Hi Govind,


As per your code i am getting location as "file:///opt/usr/apps/2AMEzrYSBu/res/wgt/index.html#Loginpage" its not showing the url launched using "window.open()"

Govindaraj Kathirvel

I guess I could have posted with more information.

here oathurl is a full url of Oauth server with all the information and you are launching this code from your OAuth connect step. 




Govindaraj Kathirvel

Hi Lakshmi,

I guess this will work for Google OAuth and not compatible with all OAuth providers.  For Example http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/authentication/oauth2/ this one doen't have similar capabilities.




Lakshmi Grandhi

Hi Govind,


Yes you are right, but for Mobile standalone application we cannot specify redirect_url, then we should go for web hosted applications


Does Tizen have a plan to implement a app url feature(such as myapp:// )  to redirect? For example, Tizen 3.0?

Govindaraj Kathirvel

Is anyone tried in Native code with Oauth 2.0 using Javascript Bridge to Web App ?. Are there any native expert who can try this and share solution ?.




Yuri Ageev

Here, i found great example of implementing OAuth 2.0 for Facebook, on Bada, and cuz Bada and Tizen have in common, you can basically copy and paste most part of example, and it will work on Tizen platform.

I tried and able to get access token, with several minutes. So, it seemed very simple solution for me.

Link: http://developer.bada.com/documentation/docView.do



>Link: http://developer.bada.com/documentation/docView.do

The url seems invalid.

Yuri Ageev

Yeah, sorry. That will work http://developer.bada.com/library/BadaFaceBook-A-minimal-Facebook-Sample-App

karthikeyan shanmugam


Anyone has success with implementing oauth 2.0 for tizen.

Am currently trying to implement for google services but facing issues with the same

Both redirect uri as well as post message() seems to cause problems

Any sample code or points would be of great help/

