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I have developed a game application in TIZEN web application I want to share it on facebook


I have developed a game application in TIZEN web application.I want to share it on facebook how can i do this.

How can i share my application with facebook,please help me.I thank you in advance.

Thanks and regards

Tizen application developer

Mohit Kumar



6 댓글
John Ixion

Hi Mohit,

The Intel XDK is compatible with

  • Apple* App Store
  • Google Play
  • Nook* Store
  • Amazon* Store
  • Windows Store
  • Tizen* Store
  • Facebook*
  • Chrome*
mohit kumar

Hi Olivier,

I am not getting what are you saying.I want to know how can i share my application with facebook.I have used Graph API but is not working.

Is it possible to use graph API to share TIZEN application on facebook.I have no idea how to do this,because i am new for TIZEN application development.

please help me as soon as possible.



thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar


John Ixion

more info about the Intel XDK https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-xdk/details



hope, this link will help you: 


Seoghyun Kang



You wrote the following content at the other thread.

"I want to create a button in my TIZEN web application and if user click on the  button then my application will share on facebook wall or share to all my friend."


It is very easy. Please refer the following code.


function pstFaceBook(msg, url) {
    href = "https://m.facebook.com/sharer.php?u="+ encodeURIComponent(url)+"&t="+ encodeURIComponent(msg);
    var a = window.open(href, 'facebook', 'width=466, height=356');


You need to change it to the mobile style.





For example you can use following in Web app:

Open facebook url from app with browser (better in separate window)
for example: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php
perform authentication,
share any url