언어 설정

filesystem_stat.cc , File/directory , not found error 발생
타이젠 OS 3.0 부터 아래 에러가 발생하고 있습니다. Info / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 7958 : 7958 ) : filesystem_stat.cc: getStat(67) > File/directory: /opt/usr/media/Downloads/foldername/file.jpg not found Error / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 7958 : 7958 ) : filesystem_instance.cc: PrepareError(799) > NotFoundException - PLATFORM ERROR Error / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 7958 : 7958 ) : tools.cc: ReportError(59) > PlatformException: NotFoundError, message: PLATFORM ERROR 타이젠 이전 OS 에서는 발생하지 않습니다. 원인이 무었입니까? 또 cordova 연동 없이 시계의 tizen OS 버전을 알수 있습니까?


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

It's good that you've shared the Error logs.

Still You need to share some Code Snippets and Info about what you are trying to do, which APIs are being used and at which state/line and where (device log/IDE log file/Warning popup) these errors are being shown.