Auto pausa when screen off on 2.3 and 2.4 emulators
에 의해 Kilim A
2016년 06월 17일 13:05
영어 (English)
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When I testing apps I watch how work app on emulators. If I want to solve the problem in the video above (The palm gesture after which the screen is off, but the app is running and don't stop, for example music), then i must have some orientating marks.
I took two emulators ( one 2.3.0 r 2 and other 2.4.r6) and both are 360X480.
I have found that the same app with the same settings, etc. on a single emulator stops(pause, music stop) when the screen is off, and on the other emulator the app continues to work ( play music, don't set on pause).
The following video demonstrates this.
That's why I said in the post above: something has changed in the operating system?
How do I be oriented in this issue?
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When I testing apps I watch how work app on emulators. If I want to solve the problem in the video above (The palm gesture after which the screen is off, but the app is running and don't stop, for example music), then i must have some orientating marks.
I took two emulators ( one 2.3.0 r 2 and other 2.4.r6) and both are 360X480.
I have found that the same app with the same settings, etc. on a single emulator stops(pause, music stop) when the screen is off, and on the other emulator the app continues to work ( play music, don't set on pause).
The following video demonstrates this.
That's why I said in the post above: something has changed in the operating system?
How do I be oriented in this issue?