언어 설정

AudioContext not work

Hello everyone, I wanted to normalize the sound in the video. But I ran into a problem, the audio AudioContext does not work as it should.


I connected a sound analyzer and a volume control, but the analyzer and volume do not react.


Here is my code:


let context  = new AudioContext()
let source   = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("video"))
let analyser = context.createAnalyser()
let volume   = context.createGain()

analyser.fftSize = 2048;


volume.gain.value = 0


This code works successfully in browser, android and lg webos But there is no reaction on the Taizen, there are no errors and no result, the analyzer does not show anything and the sound controller does not react in any way.


Any ideas why that is? Does not work on 2021 TVs, has not yet been tested on others.