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Application name for DIAL

I am trying to make my Tizen TV app launcheable with DIAL (dial-multiscreen.org).


According to the protocol, a client can launch the application by sending an HTTP request to aspecific URL served by the TV (something like<name>). I have no problems discovering Tizen TVs, but forming the launch url requires application identifier that the client must know beforehand. I cannot find any documentation on what should serve as this identifier for Tizen web applications.


Orsay platform has <runTitle> tag in config.xml which works for that purpose and this works flawlessly, but the very same tag does not work in Tizen config.xml.
I have tried launching it with unique 10-symbol package id, application id derived from it, display name, widget id and variations of those to no avail both for debug apps installed with sdb and my published apps installed from the store.


At the same time I'm perfectly able to launch apps like YouTube using the string "YouTube" as identifier. Another example: "uk.co.bbc.News" reports the corresponding app as installable when it's not installed on the device, so evidently this id is somehow provided by BBC app to the store which device can query.


An example of device I've been testing this on is UE40KU6000 but the behavior is the same on several models. I'm using my web browser to send simple HTTP requests and npm peer-dial module to discover devices.


How do I set my app's name for DIAL service as it was previously possible with <runTitle> tag?


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Armaan-Ul- Islam

Hello ~,

I would suggest that, you may post your issue on Samsung TV Forum


Developers on the specific domain may share p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }a:link { } their experiences with you there.