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How to open a url in the connected phone?

Is it possible to open a url in the connected phone? I know that it is possible using Sap or accessorySDK with companion app but my question is not that because I created a companion app working with tizen wearable app. So if user first installs the wearable app and not install android app, i want to show store link to user to redirect and this link needs to be opened on the phone. is it possible?


1 댓글
Tizen .NET

RemoteAppControl API seems to be able to handle the scenario you want.
Unfortunately, this feature is currently supported by only native and web APIs.
We are discussing C# RemoteAppControl API support. We'll keep you posted with any updates.
If you want to use this feature through hybrid app, you need to install Samsung wearable extension SDK via Tizen Package Manager.

Samsung Extension SDK
RemoteAppControl API (Samsung Extension)
Native : https://img-developer.samsung.com/onlinedocs/gear/Extension_PG_Native/html/prog_guide/remote_wn.htm
Web    : https://img-developer.samsung.com/onlinedocs/gear/Extension_PG_Web/html/prog_guide/remote_ww.htm
samples:  https://www.github.com/Samsung/tizen-extension-sample

        remote_app_control_h remote;
	remote_app_control_set_operation(remote, REMOTE_APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_VIEW);
	remote_app_control_set_uri(remote, "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.oneconnect");
	if(remote_app_control_send_launch_request(remote, NULL, NULL) == REMOTE_APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED){
