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HERE MAPS REST API, credentials not working, tizen wearable

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to run Map View and Maps  sample apps, from https://github.com/Samsung/Tizen-CSharp-Samples, and they don't work, because (I belive) my credentials are not working/viable. 

I start the app and nothing, just a grey screen. In debug I see that if I try, for example to run CreateReverseGeocodeRequest the response never comes. 

I also tried to run other samples that involve HERE maps, but same story.

I am sure this is a credentials problem. I followed https://docs.tizen.org/application/dotnet/guides/location-sensors/here-credentials and https://docs.tizen.org/application/dotnet/guides/location-sensors/maps to try and pinpoint the problem, but nothing...


I have a REST "APP ID/API CODE" and as far as I can see, HERE Maps is based on the HERE REST API from the second link I posted, and I'm using them correctly . Also have to mention that I obviously have a Freemium Plan, but I dont think that is a problem (at least I hope) becasue https://docs.tizen.org/application/dotnet/guides/location-sensors/here-credentials sais: "Select the plan that meets your requirements for the number of transactions you need, and click Sign up."

Edited by: Sebastian Paul on 08 3월, 2020
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2 댓글
Randeep Singh

Hi Sebastian,

It seems that your HERE maps freemium account has exhausted, to verify this you can create a new account on HERE & try with new credentials. 

I would like to share one more information, Tizen Maps API uses  HERE maps REST APIs and issue in credentials can be verified by running HERE's URL on web browser.

you can get HERE maps URL from SDB log and credentials are masked with "****" you need to provide your credentials in URL to check credentials.




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Sebastian Paul

Thanks for the answer Randeep Singh, 

I did what you said, and it was indeed a credentials problem, and that lead me to find the actual fix.

Sooo... basically the problem was this: 

When creating your application (identified by its APP ID), you will also choose the type of credentials to use for authentication. HERE provides either OAuth 2.0 Token or API Key credentials for better security. App Code Credentials will no longer be provided for new projects. from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57456406/here-api-i-am-using-here-map-licence-key-app-id-and-app-key-premium-user-but

To summarize, if you want to use APP_ID/APP_CODEyou have to use this: https://developer.here.com/documentation/authentication/dev_guide/topics/app-credentials.html , Generate App ID and App Code for HERE SDK ANDROID/IOS.

As far as I can tell, using the new API_KEY, on it's own, or APP_ID/API_KEY doesn't work.