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Can Rounded or Circle Image?

Hello, I'm learning for develop tizen .net for Samsung TV(tizen os)

I'm targetting Tizen TV only.


First, I want to know how to make rounded or circle image.

I upload image for example.


I tried Frame corner radius, but not work.

Is it possible?

Second, Button BackgroundColor not work.

my code. in my xaml


TextColor=white works, but backgroundColor=blue or other all colors not work.

How can i change this button background color?


Third, I want to make space between ListView Items.

I set Padding or margin, but All List items have no space between.

Here's my code.

<ListView x:Name="listviewMain"  VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" ItemTapped="TappedListItem"
                                    <Label Text="{Binding name}" TextColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"></Label>
                                   <Image Source="{Binding imgpath}" WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="40" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"></Image>

How can i do?



Edited by: 준호 전 on 02 11월, 2022


2 댓글
Silva Anderson

why not

Jacob Courtney

same issues :<  Making Rounded or Circle Image: To create a rounded or circular image, you can use the CornerRadius property of the Frame or PancakeView. Ensure that the CornerRadius is set to half of the width/height of the image to create a circular image.

Button BackgroundColor Not Working:

The code you've provided seems correct. Ensure that there are no other styles or properties overriding the background color. Also, make sure that the button is not disabled, as this can prevent the background color from showing.
Creating Space Between ListView Items:

To add space between ListView items, you can try setting the Margin property of the elements inside your DataTemplate. Additionally, you can adjust the Spacing property of the StackLayout to create space between the Label and Image.
These are general suggestions based on the provided code. If you encounter specific errors or need further assistance, please provide more details or specific error messages for a more targeted solution.