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Unable to run applications on emulators

Description of problem:
I am able to run Tizen applications on actual test devices. However, when I try to run an app on an emulator, I get the following error:

Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/Milk.wgt"
Management: Check author certificates in Preferences > Tizen SDK > Secure Profiles > Profile items.

Here are some of the things I have tried (none of them work):
Setting the system time correctly in the emulated device

Adding the emulator device ID to my device-profile.xml file in ~/tizen-wearable-sdk-data/keystore/device-profile.xml, then putting this on the emulator device in home/developer, then restarting the emulator. [Interestingly, on an actual device, home/developer is empty and I can run programs fine; I did a find and no certificate-registration.xml or device-profile.xml file exists anywhere on the actual device either.]
[I do not have and never received a certificate-registration.xml file. I have only recently started developing on Tizen. If I need that file, and it is now not possible to get it any more, does anyone feel like sending me an extra one?]

Switching workspaces (After doing so, I tried generating and using my own certificate in the IDE. That gives me a different error:
Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/MilkO.wgt"
Management: Refer to Help contents > Getting Started with Tizen > Overview > Privilege.
If I go back to the certificate I was using before, I also get this same PRIVILEGE_LEVEL_VIOLATION error.)

Rebooting, reinstalling the SDK 

Using different .x86 emulator images

Following a hack I found in a Tizen forum whereby running the same program in an emulator and actual device at the same time tricks it into working (https://developer.tizen.org/forums/web-application-development/error-signature_invalid-after-updating-sdk-2.2.1, post by meng zhang)

Going into profiles.xml and setting the correct directories for certificates

To the best of my knowledge, no files in the project have non-ASCII characters in them.
Do we have to request certificates that include the device IDs (DUIDs) of all emulators we create? Where does the new IDE store the device IDs?

Does anyone know what else I could try, or barring that, where I can get previous versions of the SDK? All the certificate documentation references the old version of the SDK and hence is now useless. (To everyone: omg, do not upgrade. The debugger doesn't even work half the time in the new SDK.)

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

What I am running:
Mac OS 10.9.5, Tizen SDK 2.3.0_Rev2, build id: 20150121-1659 (I will now try to use TizenSDK 2.3.0 Rev1 WC1 RC4 R3, though the last time I used Rev1 I was unable to run apps on normal devices, so I may end up using Rev2 again.)


5 댓글
Alex Dem

Is it for wearable or for mobile?
For Tizen mobile and for wearable I did not observe any restrictions to launch web apps on emulators (if app use public privilege level) without requesting of certificate from Samsung Developer Center(for Tizen mobile it is needed for Z1 devices as i know).

If your case is for wearable web app (with api which uses partner or platform privilege level) you could try to install separate SDK : https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/tizen-sdk#wearable
and request partner or platform privilege level for emulator device (you could add appropriate DUID of your emulator during certificate requesting):
Getting Started with Tizen Wearable > Development Environment > Tizen SDK for Wearable->Certificates


Alex Dem

and fyi: Also for 2.3.0rev2 you could try to install certificates extension , see http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-z 
and request certifications ( you will able to get similar instructions here): 
Tizen-IDE->Help->Help Contents-> Certificates

see details here also:

Goff Harty

It's for wearable, a Web application. I think I'm using partner level privileges, but I'm not sure if I need them or not (but I'm also not sure how to tell it that I only need public privileges). I'll look into that.
OK, I'll try to request privileges for the emulators. New emulators are being released right and left so if that works I'll be requesting lots of them.
Sorry it's taken so long to response -- the forum seems to think I am spam, and work has swept me away on a completely different topic for a while.


Goff Harty

Whoops, I meant certificates for the emulators.



For Wearable SDK you need register certificate in IDE, for moro info please refer to documentation on IDE:

IDE -> Help -> Help Contents -> Getting Started with Tizen Wearable > Development Environment > Tizen SDK for Wearable > Certificates

To use partner privilege you need register partner certificate and has partner status on Tizen Store.

More info about privilege level:
