언어 설정

Tizen IDE hangs frquenlty & eclipse process not closing (unable to kill) after hangs

Hi! Team.,

After doing some change when i try to save my file or try to run the app frequenlty my tizen 2.2 IDE stuck completely.

Efficiantly i can use max 15 mins. If i try to close IDE or kill the process id from terminal also its not closing.

ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ ps -A |grep "eclipse"
 2803 ?        00:00:00 eclipse
 2879 ?        00:00:00 eclipse
ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ kill -9 2803
ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ kill -9 2879

Even it will not allows me to open ide again until I restart my PC.

Its really horrible, Please assit me on this.




3 댓글
Raghu Kona

Hi Ganesh,

Can you please share the configuration of your machine. Are you running the latest Tizen software available?

If not please uninstall the current SDK and reinstall Tizen 2.2.1 SDK https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/tizen-sdk


Raghu Kona

Ganesh Kumar R

Hi! Raghu.,

Am using Ubuntu 12.4 , 64-bit OS with 4 GB Ram.

I just 2 days before installed [tizen-sdk-ubuntu64-v2.2.71.bin] the latest os on to my ubuntu. 

What might be worng ? why its not allowing me to kill the ecllipse process ? 

Any other better option apart restarting my pc ?


Pushpa G

Hi Ganesh,

uninstall and reinstall SDK and Java once and check.

And after uninstalling, please delete the remaining folders from the drive(c:,d: etc) where you had installed it
