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Tizen Emulator not starting on windows 10 via emulator manager

I have recently installed Tizen Studio 1.1.0 and than installed tizen-sdk, tizen 3.0 and 2.4 OS version for mobile development.

Two emulator for Tizen3.0 and 2.4 is came created with all installation process.

Just created new TAUUIComponent Sample project. I wants to launch that on Emulator but emulator is not starting.

When click on launch button of emulator manager, It show circular progress for 2 second and than nothing happens, No any error or warning dialog displayed. How to resolve this problem and start emulator ?

Extra: I have tried "Right click on project -> Run as -> tizen web simulator application" and its working fine.

Updated Hint: After long time i have updated packages via package manager. Now, I found emulator's status is empty but when i hover mouse on status column it shows popup message "Platform image not accessible".
Check below screenshot


3 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

# Run Package Mnager:

Under 'Main SDK' Tab > Mobile 3.0 or Mobile 2.4 > Emulators > Install/Update



This should take care of the Issue.




# Go to '<tizen-studio-data dir>/emulator' delete all the files. This will clear the list. Create New Emulators from Emulator Manager.




# On my machine, on Hover looks like this:



Let me know the Update. Thanks.

Sagar Tak

Hi Armaan,

I am able to see same window as yours in emulator manager but on clicking launch button nothing happen except a play button with green background is shown for few second and then launch button is enabled again to launch emulator but emulator is not launched.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Please share some environment details. You can check here if your system meets the requirement to run Tizen Emulator:


# In addition If your system has a Graphics card, Please Update the drivers.

# Reduce Number of processors and ram capacity.

# Try GPU ON/OFF (both) from Emulator Configuration > HW Support.

# Verify installation of Intel HAXM. If you are on windows machine, then run cmd and:

sc query intelhaxm

You should see a status message that includes the following information:

SERVICE_NAME: intelhaxm
       STATE              : 4  RUNNING