언어 설정

Installation of the IDE doesn't do anything

Hello everyone, i'm here because I'm trying to install the Tizen SDK on a windowd 7 64bits computer. I downloaded the sdk and looked at many tutorials on the internet but I can't get it to work though.
The problem is, when I run my 64bits installer, it starts the installation process but it's seems to have troubles executing my java jdk, because it stops at the beginning of it then the installer closes himself.

I tried to run it as an administrator and tried to resolve compatibility failures but still nothing. I don't know what I should do to get the IDE installed properly please help 


9 댓글


I think your Installer has problem because JDK environment is crashed.

Could you re-install your JDK? I guess that JDK 1.8 can solve your problem.

Please note below links and check prerequisites on your computer.




Hey ! Thanks for the advices, unfortunately this did not solve it :/ I re-installed JDK 1.8 and setted its java path but I had the same problem.

After that I checked if my computer supports Virtualization Technology and it does it, and it is the only prerequisite I don't have :/

Thank you for your check. Install process isn't effected Virtualization Technology option.

Sometimes java environment variables are conflicted. Did you delete related variables in your Path values?

Please write C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath; only. (Placed first in path variable)

Also delete another java pathes and JAVA_HOME.


I tried it but it dit not work, after I successfully took a screenshot of the error I think I found what the problem was, the sdk installer still finds a java 1.7 installation in the registery so it does not go to the right path. Moreover, it can't find anything because this file does simply not exist. It seems to be the problem since the installer don't give me any error message.

Do you know how I could change this property inside my registery in a proper way ? (I usually don't like to play with it but I really think it could solve my problem)

If you want to see the error message, you can follow this link http://hpics.li/f803f79

Peter Wegner

Are you sure you have installed JAVA for 64 bit?

If I remember correct, I did such mistake long time ago... I installed 32 bit JAVA on my 64 bit Windows 7...


Best Regards


Hello ! Thanks for your answer ! My Java is a 64 bit installation :/

Peter Wegner



Found my own posts from 2013...



Since 2.4 Rev 2 or earlier... I am tooo lazy to test again painfull installation...

So no idea what Rev 2, 3, 4, 5 and next will do for funny things to stress Developer... in my case user...


I hope you will find solution...

Ehm, in theory you could try 32 bit SDK... on your 64 bit Windows.

It will not explode... I hope.




Best Regards


Thanks ! Yes I even tried to make it work with a 32bit SDK but the installer says it can't run with a 32bit SDK. :/

At least it works smoothly on my personnal computer. I will try to explore that way :/

Peter Wegner

Thanx for feedback.


Best Regards