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I am not able to launch package-manager


I had installed Tizen Studio 3.1 using CLI installer and I am unable to launch the package-manager

whenever I try it from the command-line or the studio it doesnot open at all.

Any help would be much appreciated. Let me know if you need any further info.


6 댓글
Aditya Aswani

Hi sorry for a very delayed response. Most of such issues are faced due to incorrect java setup

Can you please try the latest Tizen Studio 3.7 available at https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download

There is no prerequisite for Java or setting any environment variable like Path or JAVA_HOME in this version of Tizen Studio. Java comes prebundled with this verison of Studio

Kilim A

When I wanted to run package-manager.exe
   there was an error
  javax / xml / bind / JAXBException

  It helped:
package-manager-cli update --add-modules java.xml.bind

  An update of 20 minutes or more will begin.
  Then you can run package-manager.exe

--add-modules java.xml.bind
maybe not necessary

Aditya Aswani


From the error  javax / xml / bind / JAXBException it looks like you are not working on Java 8.

Can you please try the latest Tizen Studio 3.7 available at https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download

There is no prerequisite for Java or setting any environment variable like Path or JAVA_HOME in this version of Tizen Studio. Java comes prebundled with this verison of Studio


Aditya Aswani

Hi, i just noticed that you have run the package-manager-cli update command.

I believe that has already updated your Tizen STudio to 3.7 which is why your package-manager started working using the prebundled jdk

Andre van der Vlies

I have the same issues. Just downloaded tizen-studio today (29 jun 2020) the  package manager will not start, When I try it by hand it gives the JAXBExcetion; due to my system Java (version 11.0). When I try to run with the included Java (..../tizen-studie/jdk/....), it just stops...

I am on ubuntu 18.04...

Aditya Aswani


JAXBExcetion will only occur if you use Java 9 or above, which as you said you have Java 11 installed, so that is expected.

If you are working on Tizen Studio 3.7, ideally PackageManager should automatically use embedded jdk(which is Java 8) and launch successfully.

With Tizen Studio 3.7, there is no requirement of java to be pre installed in your system and no environment variable(PATH/JAVA_HOME) need to be set.

But if for some reason Package Manager is not launching, can you delete the $HOME/.package-manager folder and try again?


If it still fails to launch, request you to share the logs at a.aswani@samsung.com

Log Location:

Ubuntu/Mac -> $HOME/.package-manager/install-logs/package-manager

Windows-> C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\.package-manager\install-log\package-manager