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Can not close web simulator on ubuntu 13.4 in Virtual Boxx
Hello everyone,
I faced with very weird bug. 
Every time when I run tizen web simulator application I experience the following two problems:
1. the simulator renders always on top, event if I move focus to other application, on eclipse for example, simulator still will be on top, only  the windows header and border will be hide. It renders even on lock screen and futhermore I can see it when switch to console, I mean real console tty1(ctrl+alt+f1).
I think this problem appears due VirtualBox. QEMU and VirtualBox can have some compatibility problems.
But the real bug is the next item.
2. I can't close it, if I press close button in windows header, nothing will happen. Only buttons in windows header became inactive.
I use ubuntu 13.04 x64, I run it in VirtualBox 4.2.16, virtual box extension is installe, I have only intel video chip.


1 댓글
Mikhail Cherkasov
Now I found how to close emulator. There appears popup window, but it was hidden due problem #1. But when I confirm that I want leave this page, emulator is closed.