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Very low FPS on Tizen device
Hi! I have a Samsung device with installed Tizen 2.2 with enabled hardware acceleration (software installed by me; instructions are available on this forum). I ported my OpenGL ES 1.1 3D application from bada to Tizen. The problem: On Tizen device application working very slow comparing to Samsung Wave smartphone. I observed that this may be correlated to rendered triangle count – more triangles more slowness. The application has 30-60 FPS (frames per second) on Samsung Wave and 10-15 on Tizen device. FPS on Tizen device is rather irregular not constant. This is normal Tizen 2.2 performance on sample device (based on Samsug Galaxy)? The GlesCube11 sample also works not so fast. Did you observe similar slowness? What is maybe wrong, device drivers?
Edited by: Andrzej Chomiak on 11 10월, 2013


3 댓글
muditha murthy

Did you install the DDK package on to your device? What is number of FPS you get on your device for GlesCube11 ?


Andrzej Chomiak
1) Yes - from mali_2.2.tar.gz package (opengl-es-mali400mp-0.1.6-02.armv7l.rpm and others). 2) GlesCube11 - 36 - 39 FPS. For two cubes that partially covers screen this is a low value. FFS in not constant. Could you test it (fps in GlesCube11) on other devices?
muditha murthy

I have also used the 2.2 version package on my M0 device, and with hardware acceleration enabled i am getting 58-59FBS, without HW acceleration the FBS would drop to 36-39 FBS.