언어 설정

UI빌더를 사용하여 어플리캐이션을 만들고 있는 상황입니다.

1. view1에서 view2로 전환하는 함수를 만들기 위해 layout.xlm에서 함수를 추가하여 다음이 생겼습니다.

void view1_signup_button_onclicked(uib_view1_view_context *vc, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {

// 어떤 코드를 넣어주어야 view2로 넘어가는 함수로 작성될까요?


여기 안에 어떤 코드를 넣어주어야 view2로 넘어가는 함수로 작성될까요?  uib_util_push_view() 함수를 찾긴 했는데 이것은 기존의 창을 끄고 새로 띄우는 것이 아니라 새로운 창만 띄워주는 것 같습니다.





4 댓글
Mehedi Alamgir

What i understood , You want to know about the code section of  void view1_signup_button_onclicked . This function is invoked when you press the button. So in this segment  write the code what you want to perform after clicking a  button.

Now if you want to implement a Navigation view using UI Builder, Then use UIBuilderNavigationView Template  which will provide you a Next button to go to  a new view. In this template you will find 2 function for NEXT / PREVIOUS button named view1_button1_onclicked and view1_button1_onclicked_post.

 view1_button1_onclicked is invoked at the start of the button clicked and view1_button1_onclicked_post is invoked  after the button clicked.


조 민규

i understand about that function but i don`t know which code to  put in that function

Mehedi Alamgir

As I already said, write the code  of what you want to perform after clicking your signup  button in view1_signup_button_onclicked function.

조 민규

um... what i mean is that i want to know the functions(codes) about change pages 

i found the function that is name of 'uib_util_push_view()'  but it justs push new views.

for example) if  button 1`s action is uib_util_push_view("view2") and i click that 'button1'  3times , i have to click 'back' button 3times to go first view

So i want the function to change view not push view