Case study
1) We have some initial form which is a target control for GLPlayer (see Form Based GL Application template).
__player = new Tizen::Graphics::Opengl::GlPlayer; __player->Construct(Tizen::Graphics::Opengl::EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION_2_X, pMainForm);
2) We add new form which becomes active form of the app frame.
Frame* pFrame = UiApp::GetInstance()->GetAppFrame()->GetFrame(); Form* pForm = new Form(); r = pForm->Construct(FORM_STYLE_NORMAL); pFrame->AddControl(pForm);
3) New form contains the Web control displaying html page with input fields.
Web* pWeb = new Web(); pWeb->Construct(pForm->GetClientAreaBounds()); pForm->AddControl(pWeb);
4) After switching back to the initial form some random textures disappear. Seems something bad hapenned to gl context.
pFrame->SetCurrentForm(pMainForm); pFrame->Invalidate(true);
What is the reason? Is it a kind of low memory issue or something else? App doesn't receive any low memory events.
remark: I noticed that this bug mostly happens after typing something in the html input field in the second form.