언어 설정

Only 3 multi-touch points on device?


I use multi-touch functionality in my app. In the emulator I get up to 6 touch points at the same time but on the test device with Tizen 2.1.0 I get only maximum 3 touch points.

Does anyone experiences the same problem and knows how to solve it?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 댓글
muditha murthy
On device i get the maximum number of touch points as 6. My device binary is tizen 2.2.0.
Jean Yang

I test the piano sample on Tizen 2.3.0, only get 2 touch points.

The first point is from EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN event.

The second point is from EVAS_CALLBACK_MULTI_DOWN event.

No matter I touch by 3 fingers or by 4 fingers at the same time, only above two event comes. If it support 6 points, does it means there will comes other 5 EVAS_CALLBACK_MULTI_DOWN event?

colin Rao


On Tizen 2.3, I just only get two touch event, same as Jean. 
