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Notification update after language change on wearable


I created sample wearable app to display notification on creation. App uses one localization file (en_GB). Galaxy watch is connected to android phone via BT. Phone has en_GB as default language. I open app (notification is posted) -> close app -> change language to different than en_GB on phone -> observe notification board. Notification is not translated. Clearing notification and relaunching application with new language works.

My question is: "Should Tizen OS automatically translate already posted notifications ?". I couldn't find answer in documentation. Do I miss some implementation to make it work automatically without need of relaunching application/clearing old notification message ? "Clear all" tab on notification board is translated automatically.


Code sample:

void createNotification()
    notification_h noti = notification_create(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTI);
    if (noti == NULL)

    int noti_err = notification_set_text(noti, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_TYPE_TITLE, "Title", NULL , NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE_TYPE_NONE);
    if (noti_err != NOTIFICATION_ERROR_NONE)

    noti_err = notification_set_text(noti, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_TYPE_CONTENT, "No translation", "some_id", NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE_TYPE_NONE);
    if (noti_err != NOTIFICATION_ERROR_NONE)

    noti_err = notification_post(noti);
    if (noti_err != NOTIFICATION_ERROR_NONE)



5 댓글
Adamz Sendler

In general, I did not think about the need for high-quality translation until I encountered the translation of documentation. Now I understand that a slight inaccuracy can completely distort the meaning. That's why I use a quality resource for Zulu To English Translation. Consider this resource if you need to translate a letter, email, manual, template, technical manual, online content, marketing materials or any other text.

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bolare bolare

I appreciate your sharing; kindly spread the word more in the future. 

Katherine Hawkins

Oh, I appreciate your post. I just started learning to code so it worked for me.