언어 설정

How to run service app in background always

I had one hybrid app for which there is one web ui app, and native service app. I needed to run service app all the time irresepective of ui app is running or not. It was working fine on 2.3. But isn't allowing service app to run if ui app is not in foreground, how to make my service app run always on 2.4?


2 댓글
Shaswati Saha


Please try adding Background Category in the tizen-manifest.xml file of the native service app using the following line.

<background-category value="background-network"/>

It worked perfectly for me.



Mango Bar

Praveen Pandey 

Did your native service of hybrid app work fine when your UI app is in foreground in 2.4 ? I made a hybrid app combination of Web UI and Native service  but service app doesn't work. I followed the following article for packaging. 


Apart from procedure described in above article, do i need to do anything else for packaging  in 2.4?