언어 설정

How can I compile a simple helloworld.c on Ubuntu 16.04 and run it on the simulator?

I want to compile a helloworld.c on the command line on Ubuntu 16.04 and run it on Tizen TV simulator with the toolchain.

I found examples and documentation about how to do this but everything is very old and I cannot get it to work, do anyone know of any up to date examples about how I can do this?


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

You may Check the Native Client Guide on Samsung Developers Site.

Along with NaCl Development in Tizen Studio Section.

In Download section when you would download the 'Pepper Toolchain 47' archive file you would also find Getting_Started, Examples, Tutorials inside.


The guides may look different than current IDE, But functionalities are quite similar.