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Get MP3 files from the Device and Connected device [ Wearable ]

Hello everyone ,I had recently started working on new Project,

There I had requirement for getting all the music files from the wearable itself or the Mobile that is connected with the Wearable Device.

I dont know, about Wearable that they store files or not ?

If Not  then how should I can retrieve the music files from the connected Device

Please Help if possible,

Thanks, Dinal Jivani


2 댓글
Yasin Ali


You may try Bluetooth to transfer files.
However I think you would need a service app at
device end which will serve files and communicate through bluetooth.


Dinal Jivani

Thanks, Yasin Ali

But thats not the answer i want ......

Actually I Don't know how the music player works on Wearable, Right now I'm working on development of music player,

I don't know the actual flow of developing it, Can any one please suggest me,

** How Wearables connect?

** How Wearable play a Music From connected device?

** How do the Music List or File List sync with the wearable device ?