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Floating Window of custom size (Not FullScreen) ???

Is it possible to create a custom sized floating window in Tizen. No titleBar. I think we can.

In Tizen 2.4 devices BankingApps folder opens like a new floating window/Dialog.





Edited by: Ashish Patil on 26 11월, 2016


5 댓글
Yasin Ali


You may use popup for floating window as your
UI programming technique.

static void
create_popup(Evas_Object *parent, char* text) {
    Evas_Object *popup; // Use this Evas_Object as your floating-window
 popup = elm_popup_add(parent);

 elm_popup_align_set(popup, ELM_NOTIFY_ALIGN_FILL, 1.0);

/*exit style e.g. closes on back button press*/
 eext_object_event_callback_add(popup, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, eext_popup_back_cb, parent);

/*Sizing here*/
 evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(popup, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);

/* Application content as per your design choice e.g. Some Text*/
 elm_object_text_set(popup, text);

/* show that floating-window */

Hope it will work.
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Vikram Dattu


How can I achieve multi window feature in Tizen?


Current video app has this popup feature. A small window with video pops up and remains at top and is moveable/resizeable.

How to achieve this. It's hard to find documentation for this.

Yasin Ali

Have you got successs yet? There is another way you may be interested:


Hope, it'll be helpful for you.

Vikram Dattu


Thanks for sharing that piece of code.

It is useful.

However I still need to find a way to pinch whole app into such floating window, which would be resizable and movable on top of whole window system of mobile to achieve functionality similar to video player's.

Thanks for the input.

Vikram Dattu

Maybe, I could find something useful here: https://git.tizen.org/cgit/apps/home/video-player/tree/?h=tizen_2.4