I put a .gif image file under /res/images/, fullpath is /res/images/loading.gif.
I declare the images block in the .edc file under /res/ folder.
images { image: "loading.gif" COMP; } collections { #include "../edc_resource/startpage.edc" }
And in my startpage.edc file, I declare below image part,
part { name: "loading_gif"; type: IMAGE; description { state: "default" 0.0; fixed: 0 0; rel1 { relative: 0.5 0.5; offset: -16 -16; } rel2 { relative: 0.5 0.5; offset: 16 16; } image { normal: "loading.gif"; } } }
When I trying to build my project, I got the edje_cc error as the title. Paste more detailed error message here,
'Building file: ../res/my_XXX.edc' 'Invoking: EDC Resource Compiler' edje_cc -id "C:\Users\cnincora\tizenworkspace\myXXX/res/images" -id "C:/tizen-sdk/tools/enventor/share/enventor/images" -sd "C:\Users\cnincora\tizenworkspace\myXXX/res/sounds" -sd "C:/tizen-sdk/tools/enventor/share/enventor/sounds" -fd "C:\Users\cnincora\tizenworkspace\myXXX/res/fonts" -fd "C:/tizen-sdk/tools/enventor/share/enventor/fonts" "../res/my_XXX.edc" "res/my_XXX.edj" edje_cc: Critical. Unable to load image "loading.gif" used by file "res/my_XXX.edj": File (or file path) does not exist. Check if path to file "loading.gif" is correct (both directory and file name). res/subdir.mk:15: recipe for target 'res/my_XXX.edj' failed make: *** [res/my_XXX.edj] Error -1
Anyone ever been encounter such issue? Many thanks for any response.