언어 설정

Communication between applications

Hi ,

I could not find API to be used for communication between applications. I want send event to different application with parameters. 

Will there be different API in case the communication is between UI app and Service app. 

UI and service application both will be active and parameters will be passed multiple times between them.

Could you please give me the API details.



Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 댓글
talari praveen kumar
Hi Manish please find the sample apps TizenNative->Sample->HybridService app, later TizenWeb->Sample->HybridWebApp first install the "service app", after successful installation of HybridService app install the HybridWebApp. For tutorial please refer this link https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.web.appprogramming%2Fhtml%2Fapp_dev_process%2Fhybrid_app_package.htm
Marco Buettner
You can also build both together and install together.. Go to your WebProject and linked with your native project. To link the projects right click on web or native project and select properties -> Project Reference -> checking the right project and wait until the explorer your shows "[with ProjectName] behind the native application. After that change on the manifest.xml of the native project "launching automatic blabla"... :)
Alex Dem
Hi Maybe these APIs could be useful in your case: Tizen::Io::LocalMessagePort Tizen::Io::RemoteMessagePort Tizen::Io::MessagePortManager Here is link to article: https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.native.appprogramming%2Fhtml%2Fguide%2Fio%2Fmessageport.htm Alexey.