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Cant build Native application

hi When I try to compile the sample native application, I have this error : clang++.exe' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne Any help please? Environment:  Windows 7  , Tizen SDK2.0.   Thanks

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


12 댓글
Please reinstall Tizen SDK and after that compile native sample application. When you reinstall Tizen SDK delete tizen-sdk folder where you have installed on your system. Also check Clang static analyzer tool and its compatibility. Go through user manual of Clang tool from below link. http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html
Lim KyungTae
hi , i had reinstall Tizen SDK . i have this errors : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DescriptionResourcePathLocationType make.exe: *** [src/MyTest.o] Error 1MyTest C/C++ Problem DescriptionResourcePathLocationType recipe for target 'src/MyTest.o' failedsubdir.mk/MyTest/Debug-Tizen-Emulator/srcline 33C/C++ Problem //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when i build.... **** Build of configuration Debug-Tizen-Emulator for project HelloWorld **** C:tizen-sdktoolssmart-build-interfacebinsbi.exe action tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp_llvm31.i386.cpp.app -- make -options="all" -cliinclude="" -clicflags="" -clilflags="" -cliprojpath="" -clisdkpath="" 'Building file: ../src/HelloWorld.cpp' 'Invoking: C++ Compiler' clang++.exe -I"pch" -D_DEBUG -I"C:UsersktworkspaceHelloWorldinc" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -target i386-tizen-linux-gnueabi -gcc-toolchain C:/tizen-sdk/tools/smart-build-interface/../i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5/ -ccc-gcc-name i386-linux-gnueabi-g++ -march=i386 -Wno-gnu -fPIE --sysroot="C:/tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/rootstraps/tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp" -I"C:/tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/rootstraps/tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp/usr/include" -I"C:/tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/rootstraps/tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp/usr/include/libxml2" -I"C:tizen-sdklibrary" -I"C:/tizen-sdk/platforms/tizen2.0/rootstraps/tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp/usr/include/osp" -D_APP_LOG -MMD -MP -MF"src/HelloWorld.d" -MT"src/HelloWorld.d" -o "src/HelloWorld.o" "../src/HelloWorld.cpp" src/subdir.mk:33: recipe for target 'src/HelloWorld.o' failed 'clang++.exe'��(��) ���� �Ǵ� �ܺ� ���, ������ �� �ִ� ���α׷�, �Ǵ� ��ġ ������ �ƴմϴ�. mingw32-make.exe: *** [src/HelloWorld.o] Error 1 **** Build Finished **** Thank you...T.T
I've found some bugs in the SDK for Windows, which may be useful to you. 1. Right click your project in 'Project Explorer' --> 'Properties' --> 'C/C++ Build' --> 'Environment' Now you can see the 'PATH' variable. Edit it, then you can find its value is '${SBI_COMPILER_PATH};${PATH}'. Please pay attention to the punctuation ':'. Yes, only linux uses ':' to split PATH parameter, while in Windows ';' is used. So if you have the problem such as 'clang++.exe is not found in PATH', then changing ':' to ';' may be useful. 2. To ensure whether 'llvm' is installed in the "SDK_Directory\tools", if not please download the image file, then unzip the 'llvm' file in the zip file to "SDK_Directory\tools". It is a bug that the install manager for Windows will not install "i386-linux-gnuabli-gcc" and "llvm".
Mohammed Chbani
Thank you for your response. the problem is resolved, i had just unzipped the 'llvm' in sdk_directory. But now i have another problem: fatal error: 'new' file not found #include ^
As ygong wrote above, the install manager doesn't install "i386-linux-gnuabli-gcc" properly. Unzip the 'cross-i386-gcc-4.5_1.0.3_windows-64.zip' (or 32bit version dipending on your environment) in the image file and copy the folder 'i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.5' to 'SDK_Directory\tools'.
It looks like your mingw not installed properly. I guess there is issue with Clang tool also. Check the make file at line number 33.
Ravi Kumar
Sometimes the compiler does not report the errors and just displays the make file error. The reason that i found for my project was that the virtual function were not defined in .cpp file. Check whether all virtual functions used in your project are defined in the *.cpp file.
laura lorde

If you're trying to compile a native application using the Tizen SDK2.0, you might experience this error: clang++.exe' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne. You might be able to find this error if you're trying to build a application using the SDK2.0 on a Windows 7 system. However, you might not be able to find this error if you're trying to build a native application on Tizen SDK2.0 running on a Tizen-based system. If you're not sure which system you're on, you can check the system's system information. shell shockers

Kadom Kadom

The following problem might occur while using the Tizen SDK 2.0 to develop a native application: It is impossible to identify Clang++.exe as an internal command. If you're building an application on a Windows 7 computer using the SDK 2.0, you might be able to pinpoint this problem. If you're trying to create a native application for Tizen SDK 2.0 that runs on a Tizen-based device, you might not be able to recognize this problem. You can check the system information if you're unsure of what system you're on