언어 설정

Browse for File Dialog

Hi All,

I need to know how to create the "browse for file" dialog in Tizen. Basically,i need to browse through the contents of my local device and then select a file.

Is there any direct control for doing that or else i will have to combine several controls for the same?

Any,suggestions/workarounds will be highly welcomed.


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 댓글
In Tizen Help Contents.. For selecting any file using 'MyFiles' application, this reference may help => Tizen Native App Programming -> Programming Guide -> App: Controlling Your Application -> Application Controls -> FileManager AppControl. For file system access, check this reference => Tizen Web App Programming -> Tutorials -> Device API Tutorials -> I/O Tutorials -> File System Tutorial
Siddharth Singh
There seems to be a few sample apps as well which have implemented File select dialog. The process though seems to be a bit tedious.Java for example provides a easy way of doing the same.