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Shared libs in tizen native app

Hi to all!

I have submitted app (native) to Tizen Store for validation. The app uses third-party shared libs (.so). But validation team rejected it due to whitelist issue (APIs that are not officially documented in the Tizen SDK should not be used in the source code of Application packages.)





So I can conclude from this, if app uses any third-party libs it will rejected? Or it's wrong? Anyone has any experience with native applications that use shared libs, and app was successfully submitted to Tizen Store (passed validation and verification)? Thanks for support!




6 댓글
daniel kim


Like other case, I would suggest you to find any official api which can be replaced it as such undocumented api can be changed without noice. I think that the validation team is talking about it.



Ok, actually I understand answer of validation team and what they mean. By the way white list provided by validation team contains not all undocumented api I use in app. I mean that this list doesn't contain some api we have developed by ourself, but some api are listed as undocumented api. This is strange a bit. There is another case. For example, I have developed own lib (build it as shared and put it to project) and want to use it in my app. Of cource it is undocumented api, do you agree with this? And accordingly to anser of validation team it is forbidden to use it, beacause api provided by our lib is undocumented. That it very strange.

daniel kim


According to below link from OpenCV, it doesn't support Tizen yet.  I would suggest you to refer to this link.




Opencv has been ported into Tizen (please refer to gerrit of developer.tizen.org). I think, actually, the real problem is not opencv.

Thank you.



daniel kim


According to gerrit, it looks like that OpenCV was ported for IVI profile. I'm expecting that it will support mobile profile some day.



There is also platform opencv profile that could be successfully used for mobile apps.

Best wishes