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Gear s3 and Messaging

Let me start off by saying I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum or area. I have no idea where to properly document what I've discovered and want to simply let  it be known what I've come across. Without further ado...


So I'd like to mention, and hope this doesn't get patched to deny this as an unintended feature, I've managed to change the default text app and still be able to text with limited features.

I use Google Messenger, and when I tried to reply to messages originally through my s3 I was told I would have to revert to my Stock messaging app. I begrudginly did that and my phone crawled to a near standstill. The instant I opened the Stock app my phone had a heart attack and almost blew up in my hand (ok I'm getting ahead of myself here).

I decided to go back to my preferred texting app and to my surprise I am still able to reply to texts, make new texts, and even see group messages properly. I am unaware if I can reply to group messages and have it delivered to each person in the same thread, as I need to further test; I am able to use a third party app with more than average success.

When receiving a text message it displays the Google Messenger Icon, it's themed like google messenger, and to be honest works much better than the default app. However, when I go to create a fresh text, as in not replying to one I've already received, I get prompted to change my texting app. When hitting the X button, It takes me to the text threads in Stock layout. I can only send to one person at a time, however, read group messages (Without knowing who sent what), and everything as intended with a little work around.


Is this an intended feature, and will there be any plans to bring third party texting to the S3 or Tizen at all?

Edited by: Zachary Huch on 26 11월, 2016


2 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Good findings. This post here says http://forum.xda-developers.com/gear-s2/help/3rd-party-texting-apps-t3220747 textra, Google Messages, whatsapp is available for Gear S2. If this is right there shouldn't be any issue in using them in Gear S3. Please let us know in this post if you got some progress.

John Ixion

Matrix will also be supported on Gear S, S2 and S3



All devs are welcome btw ;)