언어 설정

Cannot generate apk file for HelloAccessory


I am new to Gear application development and tizen. I am trying to run the sample application "HelloAccessory", but whenever I build the project, nothing happens, no apk file is generated as described in section 2.3 here. In fact the build seems to be interrupted somehow, but no information is displayed in the console.

My environment: OSX Mavericks 10.9.2

My steps:

- Installed Tizen SDK

- Imported the project "HelloAccessoryProvider" as an "Existing project into workspace".

- Installed the Android SDK throught Tizen's new software manager.

- cleaned and built - nothing happens, no apk file generated.


I also tried importing the project as "Tizenw web project" or as "native project" and the same happens.

I am not sure what am I doing wrong here, but since I'm new to this I cannot tell. Please help!

Edited by: Dina Hamid on 22 4월, 2014


4 댓글
Marco Buettner

For APK files you need Samsung Mobile SDK and not Tizen for Wearables SDK oder Tizen SDK.

Dina Hamid

The necessary Samsung mobile SDK libraries for this sample project are already included in the sample project library folder and are on the build path:

- accessory-v1.0.0.jar

- sdk-v1.0.0.jar

They are included as external jars, whenever i try to install the samsung mobile sdk using the software manager (giving the eclipse update site as location), this fails.

I am using the Tizen IDE, not the Tizen for Wearable IDE.

Marco Buettner

Tizen SDK (Tizen IDE) cannot generate a APK, it generates only "tpk" (native) or "wgt" (webapps) packages! To generate a APK you need Android SDK or Samsung Mobile SDK.



For more info please refer following article:
