XMLHttpRequest doesn’t work

HI i am trying generate Zypr Token with following code...


 var xmlHttp = null;
            var theUrl = "{2ad5196442833a888db21a2fdfd56a77}";
            localStorage.setItem('theUrl', theUrl);
            xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "GET", theUrl, false);
            var strData = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
            if (strData.response.information.code == 200) {
                _token =[0].token;
                localStorage['_zyprtoken'] = _token;



It is work well in web simulator ,but not tizen emulator.

i am getting xmlHttp.readyState=1 (which means connected to server)

and getting the following error

pocjs/hndapi.js (14) :ABORT_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 102: The user aborted a request in synchronous requests.

it working in all browsers and tizen web simulator except EMULATOR.

Edited on 18 03, 2014


3 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Nitish, There is sample application which uses XHR, please go through it, if you still are facing issue, let me know.
Hi, I'm trying to make bing-translate work on Tizen. Here's a related guide: I currently can't get the data from the GET request. I read the article on implementing social network services; the 2nd way (code in comments) comes from there. The first GET is a slight different version of that. output of 1st method: wgt/scripts/Translate.js (147) :TypeError: 'null' is not an object wgt/scripts/Translate.js (147) :Error: ABORT_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 102 output of 2nd: wgt/scripts/Translate.js (166) :parsererror wgt/scripts/Translate.js (166) :null (btw, I tried to get the translation with curl in command line and it worked. It returns an xml file with a string tag containing the translated text) I'd appreciate any help on that. Thanks $.post("", { "client_id": "whateverwhatever", "client_secret": "whateverwhatever", "scope": "", "grant_type": "client_credentials" }, function(data){ acc_token = "Bearer " + data.access_token; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "", beforeSend: function(request){ request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', acc_token); }, dataType: 'xml', async: false, success:function(response){ console.log("success " + response); }, error: function (request, status, error) { line 147 -> console.log(error); } }); /* 2nd way $.ajax({ type : "GET", dataType : 'xml', url : "", headers : { "Authorization" : acc_token, }, async: false, success : function(mydata) { console.log(mydata); $(mydata).find('string').text(); }, error : function(mydata, textStatus) { line 166 -> console.log(textStatus); } }); */ }, "json");
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, Below code is working fine theUrl = '"testing sample"' ; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", theUrl, false); xmlHttp.send(null); var xmlDoc = xmlHttp.responseXML ; console.log( xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("string")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); for ajax request u have to use ajax url ""