
Validation errors in config.xml for service element

Hi there,

I'm trying to create a web service application. I put the following in the config.xml file, just like the examples.

        <tizen:content src="kernel.js" />
        <tizen:name>Demo Kernel</tizen:name>
        <tizen:icon src="demo.png" />
        <tizen:description>Kernel For Demo</tizen:description>

But I'm getting the following validation errors and I can't compile the project (there is a wgt but I can't deploy it):

Malformed URL (on the tizen:content element)
Invalid content was found starting with element 'tizen:service'. One of '{"":name, ... is expected.

Anyone else had this?


15 Replies
daniel kim


If you copied and pasted your code from somewhere, please right-click your project in Project Explorer and perform "validate" and clean the project.

Then you can build it.

I wish this will help you.

Dheeraj Khoriya


For me the same error occurred. Tried as per your advice. but to avail success.

daniel kim


If you have a same problem, I suggest you to install wearable SDK 2.3(you can install it by installer of Tizen SDK 2.3 Rev2).

I wish this will help you.

pradeep ramaiah


You can select build automatically from the project menu And select the project in project explorer and select clean from the project menu.

Hope this will help you.


Didier Clabaut

No, I even tried starting from scratch in a completely new workspace. I keep getting the same errors.

Web services are only allowed from SDK 2.3, while the IDE only offers me values up to 2.2 in the widget configuration editor. Could that be the reason?


My IDE has version 

Tzen Web Development Tools

Version :
Build id : 20140924-1901


daniel kim


According to the release note of Tizen SDK 2.3, web service application is available in Wearable 2.3 SDK.

You can find the "Web Service Application" template in Wearable 2.3 SDK.

•Web Runtime

    ◦3 new application types have been added to the 2.3 wearable profile (WebIME, ClockWidget, and Web Service Application):

          ◾The following configuration elements have been added to support the Web IME application:

                               ◾<tizen:ime>, <tizen:uuid>, <tizen:languages>, and <tizen:language>

           ◾Web service application type is provided to support background running without the UI. The following configuration element has been added to support the Web service application:



I wish this will help you.

Didier Clabaut

Thank you for your reply. I downloaded the latest version of the SDK now.

Should I also upgrade the smartwatch? I have a RM-750, and the SDK 2.3 IDE comes with a Web Service example, but when I try to run it I receive this error:

Error code: FATAL_ERROR
Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/WebServiceSample.wgt"
Management: Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily.

When I change the required version in config.xml to 2.2 there's no error, but it also doesn't work :-(



Only for note: 

The wearable service application requires partner-level certification in Tizen 2.3.

You must be registered as partner on Tizen Store.

Miguel Rodriguez

Thaks for the information. How do you register as partner?

I'm trying to run a web service app using the Tizen 2.3 but when I add the service tags in the config.xml file the app is not deployed to the watch. It just times out.

I'm using a Samsung Gear S


Miguel Rodriguez

I am having the same problem as you. I checked the version of the device that I am using, a Samsung Gear S, it runs Tizen version 2.2.1 . I guess that is the reason why we cannot use features from 2.3. 

Marco Buettner

WebService is available since Tizen 2.3, so required_version must be 2.3

To use it on commercial devices you need partner privilege, otherwise it will work only on emulator and developer target devices.

Miguel Rodriguez

Thanks for your response.

Any directions on how to get this partner privilege?

daniel kim


I found this one.

Once you've created your account in the above link, then you can ask partnership through below channel. 

After that, I think that you can ask a partner level privilege to Samsung.



Miguel Rodriguez

Thanks a lot!



Try to ask this question on Tizen Seller site:

You need to create an account on this site.