Using GetUserMedia



I'm trying to access to device camera for getUserMedia.

But I found some comments in W3C Editor's Draft that said I can't use getuserMedia for implementations.

like this.



This document is not complete. It is subject to major changes and, while early experimentations are encouraged, it is therefore not intended for implementation. The API is based on preliminary work done in the WHATWG. The Media Capture Task Force expects this specification to evolve significantly based on:

Privacy issues that arise when exposing local capabilities and local streams.
Technical discussions within the task force.
Experience gained through early experimentations.
Feedback received from other groups and individuals.



Can't use getUserMedia in tizen Web App?

How about Hybrid app ? Can I develope the app using camera in hybrid app?


Please let me know


Best Regards,



1 Replies
talari praveen kumar


At present getUsermedia is not working in Tizen. We can expect it in next release. You can develop a hybrid application. These are the links for documentation on native camera app and hybrid application