
Tizen Wearable - Access local XML file


I want to include XML file with some data with my application for Tizen Wearable, e.g. put it into *.wgt file next to all other resources.

However it's not very clear how can I read it at runtime? I know how to parse it, but I need to read the file itself into a string first.
All solutions that I've found suggest using XMLHttpRequest, but they are all related to usual Web-development, and I'm pretty confident that it can't be that accessing LOCAL (for the application) file requires sending AJAX requests.

So the question is - how to open and read local text file into a string?

Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies
Marco Buettner

I prefer XMLHttpRequest... But you can also use "FileSystem API" and the method "readAsString"

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Nate River

I think using HTTP is a bit of an overkill for local files.

So for anyone interested in the same task, here is the solution I came up with thanks to Marco Buettner:

	function(dir) {
		var data = dir.resolve('res/data.xml');
		if (data) {
			data.readAsText(function (arg) {
				document.getElementsByClassName('ui-content')[0].innerText = arg;
	function(e) {
		console.log("Error: " + e.message);

The key to this solution is 'wgt-package' as a first argument to filesystem.resolve, it allows to access all widget internal files.

Also be sure to include "" privilege to access FileSystem API.