Tizen Contest: HOLD & CENTER buttons

Hi all,

I uploaded the newest polished version of my app to tizen-store 2 days ago and it was rejected due to two *NEW* tests applied to my app. Those tests were not previously made (I uploaded the App 10 times since the first tizen-contest deadline. The reports are the following:

"When the CENTER key is pressed, the application is not paused, including its sound, and not moved to idle screen.
time does not stop.

"The application cannot be paused when changing the device into hold mode. Time does not stop. (...)"

Are these buttons new to Tizen? I somehow miss documentation about those and how to handle them.  I will appricieate any help in which someone shows how to call my "pausegame()" "backfrompausegame()" functions?????


Regarding the Contest - I work hard on it. Is there someone from Samsung to confirm that apps submitted *before deadline* and accepted afterwards with no HOLD&CENTER key support will be accepted for the challenge? That would be somehow fair.

All the best,




9 Replies
Maciej Matyka

There is no information about HOLD key:


Maciej Matyka

OK, I found about the "menu" key which is nicely described here:


The hold mode (not key) part is still unclear to me if anyone could help.


Lakshmi Grandhi


Tizen has four Keys Home, Back, Vlume+, volume-, Every application has to handle atleast Back key, Menu key you can avoid if your app doesn't have any options.


Regarding if Home is Key pressed, if you want your app to running background then you can specify it in config file either

 <tizen:setting screen-orientation="portrait" context-menu="enable" background-support="enable" encryption="disable" install-location="auto" hwkey-event="enable"/>

Another Key is Back button which you can specify it as exit button where your app

$(window).on('tizenhwkey', function (e) {
    	if (e.originalEvent.keyName === "back") {
			if ($.mobile.activePage.attr('id') === 'main') {
			} else {


Maciej Matyka

Yes, that may be my fault (I added few fancy things to the application).


Cristian Loloiu

When your app is minimized, you should stop everything you have in your app, like timers, sound etc and resume those after your app is maximized again.

To detect when you app is minimised/maximized:

window.onblur = function() { paused = true; handleGamePause(paused); }
window.onfocus = function() { paused = false; handleGamePause(paused); }


Maciej Matyka

Hi Christian,


I just confirm, this is precisely what I did.

Thank you,


Rahul Gandhi

Hey  and by using this code , my app is displaying nothing in emulator

I am trying to solve this error "Interruption : HOLD key, HOME key, Call, Alarm"

and by using this code , my app is displaying nothing in emulator.

what should i do ?

Rahul Gandhi


I am trying to solve this error "Interruption : HOLD key, HOME key, Call, Alarm" in one of my app. 

and by using this code , my app is displaying nothing in emulator.

what should i do ?

Alexander AVSukhov