submit button without Text

Here is the code which needs to show a submit button with 'submit' text on it, in Tizen. Whereas, all browsers including google chrome shows some text over the button without setting value to it(either 'submit query' as in IE and firefox or 'submit' as in google chrome) .   

</div><!-- /content -->


<div id="104"><input type="submit" value = "submit">


Edited on 18 03, 2014


6 Replies
Dawid Czerwonka
show in code javascript.. where name? 
The above given is the part of my HTML file. The original will look like this.(without setting value). As I mentioned above, browsers shows 'submit' or 'submit query' text over the (submit)button while using a similar HTML.

<div id="104"><input type="submit" >

RaghavendraReddy Shiva
  What's the exact requirement ? 
Hi Raghavendra,     Its not a specific requirement. I was just mentioning my observation. If I use 'input type="submit" ' , the behaviour is different in browsers(including chrome) and Tizen emulator/simulator. In Tizen, it shows a button without any text on it, while in browsers it shows a button with the text 'submit query'or 'submit'. Thanks, Seira
RaghavendraReddy Shiva
    Thanks Seira for the posting. I could quickly verify the below code on Tizen Simulator and could see "Submit " text in it.  <div id="104"><input type="submit" > </div> Can see same behaviour on both 1.0/2.0 SDK versions. Also checked on external editor at and its the same behavior. Let us know, if the observation was made in certain scenarios.    
write below things in HTML . <div id ="104"> <input type="submit" value = "submit">submit </div> the button name will display as submit.