Hello everyone.
I'm trying to make HTTP video stream play on Samsung Smart TV (Tizen platform). It starts playing, plays for 3-4 minutes, then begins to freeze occasionally. Sound may stop for a while, picture freezes. And after all platform completely hangs.
TV responds on PING, but debug connection hangs, and in Tizen Studio I'm unable to reconnect to device. This reproduces on at least three different TVs - UE32J5500, UE32K5500AW and UE40KU6000UXRU.
I'm trying to use both HTML5 and AVPlay API - and no difference at all. AVPlay API error handler does not report any errors to the console. Debug shows that buffering before freeze is stuck on the same value (onbufferingprogress event is fired with the same argument).
Code used for playing is bare PlayerAVPlay from https://github.com/SamsungDForum/PlayerAVPlay repository, with only added function to get HTTP stream address from stream provider.
I have no idea how to fix platform freezes. Can anyone suggest something to fix the problem?
PS I can provide test URL for the stream.
PPS VideoLan VLC player on the desktop runs this stream flawlessly.