site’s security certificate is not trusted


   I got this issue when i try to load any content or request from web service through my web app(via jQuery AJAX).  A popup is appearing with the following text and ask for confirmation. It will irritate the user to allow each & every request. Is it possible to stop this pop up and make the user access my app without popup?

    Popup Message :"this site's security certificate is not trusted" with yes & no button.

   I'm looking for help to implement any of the below options

  • Completely removing the popup.
  • Ask the user only on first time (should not ask if i relaunch the app).
  • Ask the user on start up whenever the app is launched.


Edited on 18 03, 2014


5 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Aries, To remove Pop-Up warning add www to url you are requesting in Access in config file. For example add instead of .
Aries Brune Tyson Antony Raj
Hi Lakshimi, I tried to do as you mention. But It doesn't seems to work properly.
Lakshmi Grandhi
Sorry for missing your response to the above post. I didn't find much information for avoiding security warnings. Raised a bug in, kindly follow it for any update
Aries Brune Tyson Antony Raj
So as per the resolution given in jira, this issue won't be there in Tizen sdk 2.1.. When can we expect it to be released?
Lakshmi Grandhi
yes Aries, in latest sdk 2.1 this issue is resolved.