
i am making web app . and trying to run in tizen device , but it showing processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed  even  i have already added cerf in pref


or if i try to install manually wgt its giving installtaion failed

Edited on 05 02, 2015


24 Replies
Konrad Lipner

First thing you need to check is date - it should be similar on PC and device - without this installation will fail as you have it.

Konrad Lipner

date and time


its intallting on emulator but not on actual device . some time it give signature error or some time sdb time out

daniel kim


If you're trying to run you application on the emulator of Tizen IDE(Tizen 2.3 Rev 2), I suggest you to do below process.


1. check the emulator in the connection explorer and go to /home/developer folder.

If you have a device-profile.xml in the folder, please remove it as it's not required for emulator for now.


2. go to Window-->Preferences-->Tizen SDK-->Security Profiles

Please click "add" button to make a new profiles and click the "Generate" button in the Author Certificate. you can make your author certificate here.

Then, click the "Set Active" button for your new profiles


3. clean up your project and run it on the emulator


I wish this will help you.


date and time both are same


Error message:
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/mess.wgt"
Management: Check author certificates in Preferences > Tizen SDK > Secure Profiles > Profile items.



from where i can get certificate-registration.xml?

Alex Dem

It is not quite clear what certificate do you need (tizen for mobile) or (tizen for wearable ) :
For mobile:
For wearable:
In separately Tizen for wearable in Help (dev-guide): 
Getting Started with Tizen Wearable > Development Environment > Tizen SDK for Wearable-> Certificates



i want for mobile i followed that link but still it gives same error



Try to create new workspace and repeat cert registration


no luck , same result

Alex Dem

Or maybe try to reinstall sdk and remove folders tizen-sdk & tizen-sdk-data after uninstall.

Parag Das
Xaemin Cho

1. Did you install 'Tizen Extension SDK for certificate' ?

   It's here :


2. And then, don't forget to press 'permit to install applications' popuped when you press mouse right button on device name in connection explorer window.



this is for tizen mobile ? coz i requried for mobile not wealable


permit to install applications giving following error  certificate has not been registered yet . do i have to register certificate  for phone also ? i know its must for wearable

Jae Hun Lee

If you are wearable app developer, did you already get 2 emails from using certificate button in IDE menu?If you already have these 2 files, author.crt and device-profile.xml, then the rest steps are described in 'certificate' topic of IDE Help page.One more thing. please don't forget to use device-profile password written in email titled as '[Samsung Tizen] DEVICE PROFILE IS ISSUED'

Xaemin Cho

Hi appdaily, did you fix this error?



daniel kim



If you're trying to run it on the Samsung Z1 phone, I suggest you to check these things to resolve your problem.


1) You need you install extenstion SDK to avoid SIGNATURE_INVALID error.

2) If you already installed extenstion SDK and generated your authorcertificate and device-profile.xml by "Request and Register a Cerficate" menu of IDE and registered it to IDE, I suggest you to check the device-profile.xml in your phone.

Please go to /home/developer folder of your device in Connection explorer and save device-profile.xml to your pc and open it on the editor.

Check the DUID of your device insde of <TestDevice>DUID</TestDevice> tag in the xml.

If DUID of wrong, then please check your profile is active properly . and right click your device in the connection explorer and run the "Permit to install applications" menu once again.

I wish this will help you.


i have installed extenstion SDK still gettting error , from where i can cr8 device-profile.xml.


for phone i dont need to get certificate from samsung , may i right

daniel kim


If you're using Samsung Z1 now, you need to generate and registred your certificate on IDE.

You can refer to document of Wearable as necessary process is the same.

I wish this will help you.


Thanks for support ,its working now ,