
Sending data from Phone to Gear, without running Consumer


I'm working on an integrated App, which has a GUI (for settings) + Service (for SAP) on the Phone, and a consumer.wgt on Gear2.

Consumer.wgt works this way: when you start, it looks for setting files, and build it's GUI from these files.
The setting file is created on the Phone, as it's much confortable for the user to use that instead of the small Gear.
What I want, when user press [ok] on the Phone, the settings file to be sent and saved on the Gear, so my consumer.wgt can use them on the next start.
How can I do that? I mean, using SAP only possible if the consumer.wgt is running and connected. But what if consumer.wgt is not running, how can I do this?

Or maybe only possible other way around: when consumer.wgt starts, it will ask for the settings file? But that's not good, as it can be large, so startup could take long.

Any idea, Thanks

Edited by: Zoltan Puski on 08 Oct, 2014


2 Replies
Marco Buettner

As I know you cannot create a webapp as service-app on the wearables. You can only interact with consumer app when its started. 

Zoltan Puski


So it needs user interaction on the consumer app then.