Retrieving preferences from config.xml


I am trying to retrieve the custom preferences in config.xml (<preference name="map" value="bing" readonly="false"/>). I am using widget interface api for this purpose ( I am not able to get the value of custom preferences using the following code


Please let me know is there any way to get the custom preferences other than using widget api? or am i doing it wrong?




Edited on 18 03, 2014


3 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
I am working on your post will get back with information
Lakshmi Grandhi
var value = widget.preferences.getItem("map"); The following code is printing the value as "bing" Please let me know if you need more information Thanks Lakshmi
Karthikeyan dp
Hi Lakshmi, Thanks for the update. Even wiget.preferences['map'] is working. The real issue is it requires the application to be reinstalled every time after adding or changing the preference after the first time install. The widget.preferences only retrieving the preferences configured during first time install. Thanks, D.P.Karthikeyan.