Playing stream-MP3 with HTML5

Hi all!

I'm tryin to run <audio> with ogg stream file, and thats works fine, but when i play <audio> with mp3-file, result is nothing. Can someone help me?

Edited on 18 03, 2014


5 Replies
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Have quickly checked on the ref device PQ (on 2.1 SDK) and the mp3 plays fine without any issues. More details on the supported Media Formats and Codecs , please refer Below code used for verifying the mp3 playback. Please provide your code snippet (for playback) to understand whats going wrong at your end.
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Here is the code... playback with a local mp3 file.
Mik Thompson
Big thanks for your reply. This is very important for me, but at this moment ref device is not with me. I will ask you for next: can you run this code on your device Can your device play this music?
Mik Thompson
Can your device play next stream with
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Can you elaborate more ...what exactly you are trying to play and whats the source of media, local file or a streaming