passing and retrieve object via url


im new on Tizen,

how can i passing data on url and retrive it in the second page,
i have set param as the simple methode 'page1.html?name=hani&text=...'

in the page2 i have get the name, but if the text  contains many characters it cannot be retrieved


maybe i can send a json object containe name, text.....


thank you for help

Edited on 18 04, 2015


3 Replies
Marco Buettner

you can use a global variable which hold the info and read it out on second page or u use localStorage

Siddharth Bhardwaj

I also had a similar problem. This question helped me, see if it works for you -




You can use global objecy, storage api (local and session), decode url, widget.preferences and other.

it all depends on your requirements.